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TEQIP - II Sponsored

National Conference on

Advanced Materials: Processing and Characterization

27th & 28th, February 2017

About the Conference

The National conference on Advanced Materials: Processing and Characterization - 2017 will provide a vibrant platform for productive discussions and sharing of experiences on various scientific and technological advancements in novel materials, their processing, characterization and applications. The AMPC – 2017 will provide opportunities for interacting with renowned researchers who are active and inspiring speakers and also to exchange expertise through plenary lectures, invited talks, Oral and Poster presentations and exhibitions by academicians, scientists, researchers, engineers and technologists.

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  About the Institution

National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli (NITT) , is one among the premier Institutions of India and is well known for its high standards in teaching and research. It offers 10 undergraduate and 23 postgraduate programs in disciplines of spanning engineering, science, architecture and management. It has been declared as an Institute of National Importance by the Government of India under NIT Act. According to the Ministry of Human Resources Development, ranking of Indian Universities 2016, NIT Trichy has been ranked as the 12th best technical institute in India. The Institute has signed MoUs with various Industries and Institutions both in India as well as in abroad to promote collaborative research and consultancy. It has been awarded the “Best Industry linked National Institute of Technology in India" by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) in the year 2015.